

  1. Slot To Fit Wedding Rings

Men's MFIT comfort and innovation wedding bands in white gold and platinum. Featuring Men's elegant and modern rings at Riddle's Jewelry!

Slot To Fit Wedding Band

My rings aren't comfort fit and they feel very comfortable on me, but I'm used to wearing rings. My FI never wears rings all the time so do you think the comfort fit option would be better for him?

He's getting a white gold band in a size 9.

6 or 7mm haven't decided yet. What are your thoughts on comfort fit rings, is it worth the extra cost?

Slot To Fit Wedding Rings

  • MzRosaLu ·

    It would be best for him to just try different rings on and decide. My FH opted for the comfort fit because he liked the feel and the look of that particular ring.

  • AMW ·

    Comfort fit was worth the cost for my FH, but he has never worn rings before and chose a 7 or 8 mm ring. My ring is comfortable because the band itself is incredibly thin--comfort fit is more obvious on a wider band.

  • Mrs.Hawks ·

    Let him try some on and wear it around the jewelry store for a little while. That's what FH did and he didn't need the comfort fit one. He actually thought it was less comfortable.

  • Mrs.T_618 ·

    Both of the ones that I got for FH are comfort fit. But they are only 5mm and 4.5mm. He also never wears any jewelry and had never worn rings. I agree the best thing is just to try some on for comparison.

  • Raine ·

    My FH bought a comfort fit tungsten, and it was the only ring he liked or felt comfortable in.

  • Soon2BMrsB ·

    Let him try them on. My FH and I went to the store he got my rings at and he tried on a bunch. He also thinks rings are weird and found the comfort fit way better than all the rest. We paid 700 for it but if he is happy with it and will wear and be comfortable then I'm happy too.

  • Dana ·

    ..........wtf is a comfort fit ring? Lol no one ever mentioned one when FH got sized.

  • Breezy ·

    Yes, absolutely the comfort fit is worth it!

    For my FH, we originally ordered a 14k yellow gold, 6 mm band (from Zales) that was not comfort fit. When we received it, he was not very happy with the fit. He said it was very scratchy around the edges, and it left more of a mark around his finger than other rings that he owns. We returned it the next day and exchanged it for the same ring, but with the comfort fit band. He says there is a huge difference in the feel of ring, and I think the band is thicker with the comfort fit than it was with the original band that we ordered. We are both much happier with the comfort fit ring, and we are glad that we decided to spend the extra money on it.

  • Kristy ·

    Get him to try them on, but in my opinion, YES comfort fit is totally worth it.

    I tried a wedding band without it and it felt weird and uncomfortable. Almost the exact same style with comfort fit felt perfect.

    @Dana its ever so slightly rounded on the inside instead of being totally flat like a pipe-cut if that makes sense. A quick google image search should show a diagram

  • CrystalQueenB ·

    I'm with @Dana. Not fair! I've never heard of this before!