In the movie, Lenny Marmor is the Lester Diamond character portrayed by James Did Artie Piscano die of a heart attack when the FBI found mob records in his home? The Casino movie character Artie Piscano was based on Carl “Tuffy” DeLuna and the raid on his home on February 14, 1979. Unlike what is depicted in the movie, Tuffy did not die of a heart attack during the raid.
- Actor James Woods Bio, Wiki, Family, Career and Net worth 2019. Actor James Woods – James Woods is a famous American actor who can play any role, be it an alcoholic, a murderer, a righteous policeman, or a lawyer.James has repeatedly won.
- Casino (1995) (movie): A tale of greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two best friends: a mafia enforcer and a casino executive, compete against each other over a gambling empire, and over a fast living and fast loving socialite. James Woods as Lester Diamond is one of his finest performances of his career.
Casino Lester Diamond
The real Lester Diamond...James Woods Lester Diamond
Lester Diamond is a movie character based on Leonard Marmor played by James Woods in the movie Casino. Here is a clip of him from the movie Casino.